Unlocking Nature-Positive Investments for Sustainable Business Growth


Our system empowers sustainability-focused companies to evidence their nature-positive commitments and helps landowners to maximise their land’s natural assets.

For Corporates

Need support to unlock and optimise your nature-positive investments?

Our platform provides investors and corporates with comprehensive insights, analysis, and data to make informed decisions. From prioritising spend to evaluating returns and managing portfolios of investable projects, our technology helps you assess project viability and maximise returns against your KPIs.

Discover how our platform can enhance your nature investment strategy


A diverse range of ecosystem restoration projects that align with your sustainability goals and reporting requirements.


Access a network of expert partners to design and deliver impactful ecosystem restoration projects, anywhere in the world.

Nature Metrics and MRV

Leverage our independently accredited NARIA framework to baseline, measure, report and verify the impact of your investments.

FOOTPRINT Calculator

Use our Ecosystem Footprint Calculator to understand your organisation’s direct impact and set nature positive targets.

Featured Projects 

A Simple Five Step Process



Identify the dependencies and extent of the impact

Footprint and set commitments for a nature strategy



Identify restoration projects

Baseline assessments 

Landowner and community engagement



Restoration planning

Investment options

Legal agreements

4. MRV


Ongoing MRV

Adaptive management



Review and update nature positive strategies

Return to impacts and footprint

By following these five steps you will unlock verifiable nature positive outcomes together with a set of climate, economic and social co-benefits.

Why Partner with CreditNature ?

Accredited Methodology


Following a rigorous process, CreditNature was granted the world’s first independent accreditation for evidencing ecosystem uplift, by Accounting for Nature.

Our Ecosystem Condition Index (ECI) unlocks investment opportunities by providing credible and consistent units of environmental change, using a simple 0 to 100 scale.

High Integrity and Flexible Projects


Design projects that fit your business needs and that benefit communities and landowners, across a diversity of landscapes. Whether it’s to report specific ecosystem services such as carbon offsets, or report contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, we have a supply pipeline that can be tailored to your specific needs.  

Disclosure Frameworks and Directives


Evidence the nature-positive impact of your investments and align with reporting and disclosure requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and other global frameworks.

Return on Investment


All of our projects are designed from the outset to deliver not only a Return on Impact but also a Return on Investment. We do this by ensuring the asset value of land can be maximise investments in carbon, biodiversity, water and a wide range of ecosystem service benefits.  

Accredited Methodology


Following a rigorous process, CreditNature was granted the world’s first independent accreditation for evidencing ecosystem uplift, by Accounting for Nature.

Our Ecosystem Condition Index (ECI) unlocks investment opportunities by providing credible and consistent units of environmental change, using a simple 0 to 100 scale.

High Integrity and Flexible Projects


Design projects that fit your business needs and that benefit communities and landowners, across a diversity of landscapes. Whether it’s to report specific ecosystem services such as carbon offsets, or report contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, we have a supply pipeline that can be tailored to your specific needs.  

Disclosure Frameworks and Directives


Evidence the nature-positive impact of your investments and align with reporting and disclosure requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and other global frameworks.

Return on Investment


All of our projects are designed from the outset to deliver not only a Return on Impact but also a Return on Investment. We do this by ensuring the asset value of land can be maximise investments in carbon, biodiversity, water and a wide range of ecosystem service benefits.  

Discover our new Ecosystem Footprint Calculator

Understanding your organisation’s impact and dependencies on ecosystems is crucial in the context of securing sustainable business growth.

That is why we have developed the Ecosystem Footprint Calculator.

It is a tool designed to help measure your ecosystem footprint and set credible targets to support your commitments to a nature positive strategy.

For Landowners 

Unlock investment for your nature restoration project.

We can help design strategies or secure funding to regenerate your land.

For Landowners


Our platform uses a five-step process to help realise the full potential of natural assets.

See our Nature Metrics


Discover how our platform can help you baseline the condition of your land and measure its improvements over time.

We can support you in monitoring change and financing a thriving ecosystem

For Landowners


Our platform uses a five-step process to help realise the full potential of natural assets.

See our Nature Metrics


Discover how our platform can help you baseline the condition of your land and measure its improvements over time.

We can support you in monitoring change and financing a thriving ecosystem

Contact Us Today to Kick-Start Your Ecosystem Restoration Journey


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