Our system empowers sustainability-focused companies to evidence their nature-positive commitments and helps landowners to maximise their land’s natural assets.
Need support to unlock and optimise your nature-positive investments?
Our platform provides investors and corporates with comprehensive insights, analysis, and data to make informed decisions. From prioritising spend to evaluating returns and managing portfolios of investable projects, our technology helps you assess project viability and maximise returns against your KPIs.
Discover how our platform can enhance your nature investment strategy
A wellness estate focused on sustainability, nutrition, wellness retreats, and nature experiences. Intensive sheep grazed pastures will be regenerated through extensive areas of tree planting, rewetting and species introductions to create a diverse array of ecosystem and wellbeing benefits.
Transforming degraded Scottish coastal farmland into a rewilding landscape with temperate rainforest, natural grazing, and diverse moorland bogs. The project will sequester thousands of tons of carbon, improve water quality, control invasive species and recover biodiversity.
Working with communities to revitalise degraded land in Tanzania by planting 1.3 million trees and restoring vital wildlife and river corridors, managing invasive species, restoring the endangered Prioria msoo, improving alkaline soils, and enhancing biodiversity.
Following a rigorous process, CreditNature was granted the world’s first independent accreditation for evidencing ecosystem uplift, by Accounting for Nature.
Our Ecosystem Condition Index (ECI) unlocks investment opportunities by providing credible and consistent units of environmental change, using a simple 0 to 100 scale.
Design projects that fit your business needs and that benefit communities and landowners, across a diversity of landscapes. Whether it’s to report specific ecosystem services such as carbon offsets, or report contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, we have a supply pipeline that can be tailored to your specific needs.
Evidence the nature-positive impact of your investments and align with reporting and disclosure requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and other global frameworks.
All of our projects are designed from the outset to deliver not only a Return on Impact but also a Return on Investment. We do this by ensuring the asset value of land can be maximise investments in carbon, biodiversity, water and a wide range of ecosystem service benefits.
Following a rigorous process, CreditNature was granted the world’s first independent accreditation for evidencing ecosystem uplift, by Accounting for Nature.
Our Ecosystem Condition Index (ECI) unlocks investment opportunities by providing credible and consistent units of environmental change, using a simple 0 to 100 scale.
Design projects that fit your business needs and that benefit communities and landowners, across a diversity of landscapes. Whether it’s to report specific ecosystem services such as carbon offsets, or report contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, we have a supply pipeline that can be tailored to your specific needs.
Evidence the nature-positive impact of your investments and align with reporting and disclosure requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and other global frameworks.
All of our projects are designed from the outset to deliver not only a Return on Impact but also a Return on Investment. We do this by ensuring the asset value of land can be maximise investments in carbon, biodiversity, water and a wide range of ecosystem service benefits.